Abroad Increases Professional Job Prospects by
Isabel Eva Bohrer
IES Abroad surveyed over 1,000 study abroad alumni
in order to determine the impact of such experience
on the ability of recent graduates to find work after
completion of a college degree. The findings strongly
indicate that study abroad provides many advantages and often leads to international
How to Fund Your Study Abroad by Ashleigh Bugg
A winner of the Student Travel Writing Contest offers advice to students on how to go about funding their semester abroad using scholarships, grants, crowdfunding, and more.
How to Select the Right International Program: 10 Key Steps by Rachel Rueckert
A Student Travel Writing Contest winner describes how to choose the right international program for your needs while you are a student.
to Market Your Study Abroad Experience by
Jean-Marc Hachey
Practical options laid out by an expert on selling your study abroad experience and skills to potential employers.
Allure of the Gap Year by Susan Griffith
The rise in popularity of the gap semester or gap year experience. Resources for gap year options for teen and college students.
The Student's Guide to Living Abroad in Spain by Heather Olafsson
A Student Travel Writing Contest winner offers help from Madrid on moving to Spain, telling her own unique story of a long-term stay as a student while providing practical advice.
A Year Abroad in Nice, France on a Full Scholarship by Sarena Tien
A year of study abroad in Nice, France, where the author had a transformational experience in a beautiful location by a winner of the Student Writing Contest.
Inside the Teaching Assistant Program in France by Sarena Tien
During her gap year while a student, teaching with this prestigious program turned out to be a great opportunity in France, as well as to travel around Europe.
A Year at the London School of Economics: Study Abroad Among the International Elite by Chao Huang
A year of study abroad at the prestigious and international student body at the London School of Economics, where the experience changed author's life, by a Student Writing Contest winner.
How to Pick an Archaeological Field School Abroad
by Kobi Weaver
The student provides valuable inside information about how to successfully apply to acheological field schools that are run abroad.
The Student Guide to an Affordable Year in Europe by Sarah Stites
How to at once save money to travel around Europe as a student while trying to stay closer to the local people. A variety of valuable tips for fellow students.
Studying Abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark: Viking Kings and Little Mermaids by Ariel Bloomer
Studying in one of the "World's Happiest Countries" is an experience you will never forget, in a place you may not wish to leave.
Learn Thai in Thailand and Live for a Year Abroad by Nathan Edgerton
You can reside a year or more in Thailand by studying the Thai language, and live very well, writes a winner of the Student Travel Writing Contest.