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Transitions Abroad Magazine March/April 2002 Vol. XXV, NO. 5

Information Exchange

Traveler’s Almanac

The Independent Traveler

Special issue

The editor reflects upon a “new kind of travel magazine,” one that would “provide the nontouring traveler with an up-to-date review of educational travel and study abroad.”

Dipika Kohli invites you to come enjoy the arts at her home in County Cork, Ireland.
Sarah Andrews describes the wonders of Spains Parks and Nature Reserves.
Owen Carmichael
details the wine, the food, and the festivals of South Australia’s Barossa.

Participant Report
Barbara Lokach has all the information on this summer’s Holiday Courses in Britain.

Kylie Ladd tells you how to get ready for the Edinburgh Festival.
Nicole Rosenleaf Ritter has gone to school in Tuscany to learn Culture Through Cuisine.
Anne Woodyard
says do as the Romans: Enjoy Rome on Foot.
Iceland on the Cheap?
Lowana Veal has lived there long enough to know it’s possible.
Joan Huyser-Honig
on the delights of Micronesian Homestays.

Alternative Travel Guides
Ron Mader tells what’s doing in the International Year of Ecotourism.

Back Door Travel
Rick Steves shows how Travel with Teens in Europe can be both educational and fun and Rick picks the Top Kids’ Sights in Europe.

Europe’s Book Towns
Vacation Special for Readers
Susan Richardson travels to three European “book towns” — Hay-on-Wye in Wales, Fjaerland in Norway, and Montolieu in France — where the opening of secondhand and antiquarian bookshops has transformed the local economies. A great vacation itinerary for readers.

Working Traveler
Lavinia Spalding has all the details on how to find a job easily in the New South Korea .
Plus Dave Abernathy on Teaching in Thailand

Living Abroad
Alec Corday explains why in the Dominican Republic Expat Teens Have No Regrets.
Martin Jenkins
on Living in Jakarta
Daniel Yee on Living in Japan.

Alternative Travel 2002 Program Directory
Hundreds of options from Africa to Venezuela: Stay on an organic farm in Australia; learn French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian in country while you also study cooking, painting, drawing, and photography; view the albatross and other ocean-going birds off the coast of New Zealand; study classic theater in Greece; learn Spanish while volunteering in Costa Rica . . . cultural and educational vacations worldwide.

Study Abroad

  • Stanford Univ. student Johana Schwartz, leads off this section of student program Participant Stories with a carefully detailed description of her experience as a student with a disability at Trinity College in Dublin.
  • Beth Ocrant adds her own experience on how a disability does not prevent study abroad.
  • Other winners: Lisa Sholk (Study in Australia),
  • Carrie O’Malley (Study in London),
  • Chad Brewer (IAESTE Exchange),
  • Kenyon Whitehead (Florence and Prague),
  • Bruce Myint (Sports and Study Abroad),
  • Peter Burnside (Marine Life in Jamaica),
  • Steve Coyle (IT Study in Malaysia).

Education Abroad

Study Abroad Adviser
In The Returned Student and the Study Abroad Office Cheryl B. Lochner-Wright explains the mutual benefits.

Stacey Bolton and Susan Lochner provide a student perspective on helping out in the office.

Study abroad is not a commodity and students shouldn’t behave like consumers, argues Tom Millington in Consumers Study Abroad.

From the Editor

Last time I talked here about the increasing number of high school and college students going abroad to study and America's increased interest in the rest of the world after the September 11 attacks. More good news: The American Council on Education (ACE) has released the results of two national surveys, one of Americans 18 years and older and another of high school seniors who were about to enter a 4-year college or university. The purpose was to measure the degree of international experience, attitudes toward international education, and, in the case of students, expectations about participating in international activities in college or university.

Both groups reported significantly increased amounts of international experience and knowledge in comparison with past surveys. Over 90 percent of the public believes international education will be important to the careers of youth, and nearly half (48 percent) of the students said they hoped to take part in a study abroad program. The present figure is closer to 3 percent. Most students can't afford it.

Much as the response to Sputnik made it possible for my wife and I and thousands of others to finish our education and study abroad, so may the response to the attacks of September 11 affect this generation. At the end of 2001, House-Senate conferees, led by Rep. David Obey (D-WI), agreed to an historical funding increase of $20.5 million, or 26 percent, for international education and foreign language studies.

Of all the international experience variables examined in the ACE study, travel abroad showed the greatest positive impact on international knowledge. The next most important factor was education. Obviously, what the world needs is more educated travelers! Please subscribe or renew. Thanks and happy transitions.

Clay Hubbs

Editor and Publisher
Dr. Clay A. Hubbs

International Education Editors
Barbara Burn, William Hoffa, William Nolting

Contributing Editors
Dianne Brause (Socially Responsible Travel)
Susan Griffith (Work)
Cynthia Harriman (Family)
Ron Mader (Latin America)
Deborah McLaren (Ecotourism)
William Nolting (Work)
Volker Poelzl (Living),
Kent St. John (Independent Travel)
Rick Steves (Budget Travel),
Susan Sygall (Disability Travel)
Christine Victorino (Volunteering)
Kathy Widing (Travel Books).

Business Manager
Lisa Green

Content Engineer/New-Media
Joe Obeng

Office Manager
Melanie Convery

Printing Publishers Press
Lebanon Junction, KY

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